Monday, March 23, 2009

Religious Art

This past week I went to the Museum of Art here on Brigham Young University campus. We looked at part of the religious collection that was on display. One of them was the this Carl Bloch painting of Jesus at the pools of Bathesda. Having been in Jerusalem, the pools were one of my favorite spots in the city. It is a peaceful place with little tourist traffic. There is a great church next to the pools that is simple and clean. It was under construction when I was there but it was still quiet.
It was interesing to contemplate what happened there. How many people would go to the pools for the market or to be healed? How busy was it? What was it like? Then there came a day when Jesus came. He told this invalid, take thy bed up and walk. Christ healed him.
How many times are we waiting at the pool and we can't get up? We all have problems, questions, distractions. We only have turn to the savior who is sitting there waiting to heal us.
Brigham Young University owns the original painting. Any reproduction has does little justice to the real painting. I would like to thank for the image which is posted on my blog. What a wonderful painting by a gifted artist.

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