Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Moses and Brigham Young: Exoduses

When you look at the world, what do you see first? Water, the continents, your favorite country, or the ice caps? I've started thinking and I've noticed how similar Utah, in the United States is similar to Israel in geography and climate. Both of these places have a saltwater lake connected to a fresh water lake with a river in between. Here are some pictures.

Can you tell which one is the Great Salt Lake in Utah? They look so similar. After studying for a semester in Israel, at the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, I've come to realize how simliar the regions are. Both are deserts; both receive snow; both have a salty lake.

That is what brings me to the next similarity. God led his people to both regions by a prophet. In my last post, I mentioned how Brigham Young and Moses were similar. American Historians even call Brigham Young the American Moses because he led thousands of people across the plains into the Great Salt Lake Valley and settled many place in the intermountain west. Las Vegas even started as a Mormon settlement.

Why is this important? What is the coincidence that a man in America, who claimed to be a prophet, would lead his people to a similar place as the promised land in the Bible? Either God works in patterns, or Brigham Young studied the Bible and American geography really well.

There are certain parallelisms between the two narratives that are hard to ignore. A Prophet, receiving the law on a mountain or temple, an exodus, a journey, a salt water lake, a river, a promised land.

But what does it represent? That we can be saved from our bondage or sin and led to the promised land by Christ our Savior. He lived on the earth, he died for our sins, and he was resurrected with a body. It is great to know the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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