Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Emma Smith: A Modern Woman

The Lord directed section 25 of the Doctrine of Covenants to Emma Smith, wife of Joseph Smith. Considering the historical context of this revelation, Emma was truly a modern woman. In a time when women did not even have the right to vote, the Lord gave this revelation to a woman. This revelation shows that God is not a respecter of persons. He considers man and woman equally.

In the first verse of this section, the Lord calls Emma Smith his daughter. The Lord considered her equal because He had called Joseph Smith His son. He didn’t call her the wife of My son Joseph. He didn’t call her wife of the prophet. He called her His daughter. What love God has for us since we are his children. We as LDS Church members believe that we are literal children of God, created in His image. This means that our bodies were patterned after His. I believe all people would act differently if they truly believed that they were a literal son or daughter of God. This knowledge changes how I act and behave when I am alone and with others. This is not only evidence that woman are equal to men but that we are all children of our Father in Heaven.

The Lord asked Emma Smith to be a scribe. Women in the 19th century did little but cook, clean, and care for children. I’m sure it was a shock to Emma Smith for the Lord to command her to be a scribe for her husband. Women at that time simply didn’t do that. In my opinion, this is evidence that the Lord has tailored a specific earth experience for each of his children here on the earth. However, the Lord leaves it to us, to decide how we will live. Emma had a specific role to fulfill and it was more than housework.

Verse 7 also provides more evidence that Emma was truly a modern woman. The Lord says, “thou shalt be ordained under his hand to expound scriptures, and to exhort the church, according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit.” These words must have blasted Emma away. Not only was she to be a scribe, but she was to “expound scriptures” and “exhort the Church” and it would be “given” her “by the spirit” and not by Joseph. These powerful words show that Emma, a 19th century woman, was equal in the Lords sight. It also instructs us that women should be equal in our sight too.

I’m grateful for the women in my life, especially Carly whom I married this past July. I strive to treat her everyday with the equality that the Lord expects. I want her to know that she is a daughter of God. He knows her and her situation here on Earth. I hope she can find her role as a woman in the 21st century. She is smart and very capable in whatever she does. I hope she can find what roles the Lord would like her to play. She is the love of my life and I want her to be happy. I love living life with her. I love her!

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