Sunday, February 8, 2009

What is a Temple?

Any ancient civilizations had temples. The Greeks, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Israelites, and I'm sure the list could go on. I had a civilization course last semester, and we discussed how temples connect men with God.

Latter-day Saints also have temples. Just as in ancient times, Latter-day Saint temples connect us with God. There, in the temple, we are able to learn what blessings God has for us, as his children. Temples give us direction. Temples give us a refuge.

Under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the early Mormon Saints built the Latter-day temple in Kirkland, Ohio. They later built a temple in Nauvoo, which was later burned. We now have over 120 temples.

Two weeks ago, I was able to go to the Draper Temple open house with my family. It was a beautiful building. The temple reminds me that I can be sealed with my family for eternity. What a wonderful blessing.

Here is a link to the Draper Temple Openhouse. Anyone can get tickets and see it.

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