Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What's after Life?

I’ve been reminded twice during the past week about how different LDS theology and practices can be. My wife has a good friend who has been living in France for about six months. He is LDS and is dating a French woman who is not. Besides the fact that he does not drink, smoke, or have pre-marital relations the relationship is going well. She is exploring a completely different realm as she tries understand the membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Today, I was reminded again about points of LDS theology that differs from what other churches believe. While most churches believe that there is a heaven and a hell, LDS doctrine says there’s more. I’ve always thought that I as a member of the LDS Church was different because I don’t smoke or drink or party like other American young men. However, this week made me pause because I realized that some doctrines which I believe are very different compared to what others may believe.

As a Latter-day Saint, I believe that after I die, I will go to a place called the spirit world which is divided into two parts—spirit heaven and spirit paradise. It is much like the heaven and hell in which most Christians believe. However, after I been to the spirit world, for how long I don’t know, I’ll be resurrected, like all mankind, by the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Resurrection means that my body will be reunited with my spirit and they will never part again. Then I’ll be judged by God and inherit a kingdom of glory. This is where LDS theology differs from doctrine of other churches.

Mormons believe that after we have been resurrected and judged, we will inherit one of three different degrees of glory. The first we call the Celestial Kingdom; the second is called the Terrestrial Kingdom; the third is called the Telestial Kingdom. Each differs from the other in how much glory exists within each. Figuratively, one can compare the glory of the kingdoms to that of the sun, moon, and stars, each being magnificent, but the sun is the most glorious just like the Celestial Kingdom is the most glorious of the three. Each person on the Earth will be in one of these kingdoms for eternity based on what we choose, do, and desire during our life on earth and time in the spirit world.

We believe that most of this knowledge was lost from the Earth but restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. Much of what we believe about the life hereafter can be found in section 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture that we believe was received as revelation by the prophet Joseph Smith. But also, the Bible also has some references about such an after-life. One may be Matt 5:12 which says, “for great is your reward in heaven.” It seems from this little fragment that heaven is not the reward but the reward is what is in heaven. Christ doesn’t elaborate further but it does leave a question. Of course, great meaning placed on a small word, although Luke in chapter 6 verse 23 has similar language. In 1st Corinthians 15: 40-42 Paul writes about resurrected bodies that differ in glory much like the sun, moon, and stars. The Book of Mormon too has many scriptures about heaven and what comes after life. All we must do is search, ponder, and pray to find if it is true.