Monday, September 28, 2009

Marvelous Work

“Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.” Doctrine and Covenants 4:1.

In the revelations to Joseph Smith, the Lord repeats this sentence many times. At a glance, I saw four different sections that started with this sentence. Why is it so important?

As we’ve been discussing in one of my religion classes, “the marvelous work which” was “about to come forth” was the Book of Mormon. Many people find it wrong that we, being Christians, read the Book of Mormon. They feel that since we have the Book of Mormon, we ignore the Bible, but that simply isn’t true. We read both of them. Here are some reasons why I read and cherish the Book of Mormon along with the Bible.

1. The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ.

a. Have you ever wondered if Christ really lived? Was he really the Son of God? When you read the Book of Mormon along with the Bible, you discover that Christ really lived. You learn that He is the Savior of the World. You come to understand His Atonement, and it allows you to feel it in your life today. The Book of Mormon as I have read it with the Bible has strengthened my personal testimony of Jesus Christ. It has helped me understand him and his mission. If you are struggling to understand Jesus Christ, his mission, or if we even need him, read the Book of Mormon and you will discover that he truly lives.

2. The Book of Mormon helps us determine if Joseph Smith was a prophet.

a. If God were to have a man on the earth that filled the role of a prophet like Moses, or Isaiah, or Jeremiah, would it not be important to have a way to determine if he was true or not? Luckily, God has provided such a way to determine if Joseph Smith was a prophet. If we read the Book of Mormon, with “real intent” meaning with sincere desire to understand its message of Christ, and if we pray sincerely asking God if it is true, he will tell us if it is a true book. If it is a true book, Joseph Smith was a true prophet and God established His church through him. It is imperative that people read for themselves with sincerity the Book of Mormon in order to discover if Joseph Smith was a prophet. Without true intent reading the Book of Mormon is wasted energy. But if you truly want to know, if you sincerely ask God, you will get an answer. Also if Joseph Smith was a prophet, it means that we have a prophet today. It means that God speaks to men today, just as he spoke to Moses. If that isn’t important, I don’t know what is.

3. The Book of Mormon helps me see what is important.

a. Just as there are many stories in the Bible from which we can gain personal application, the Book of Mormon too contains stories that help us in our lives today. One of my favorite may be Abinadai. He was chosen by God, to preach to a wicked King. He testified of Christ and of the King’s need to repent. The king burned him at the stake for his words. I like this story because of Abinadi’s personal character. It has taught me to be faithful to God and my morals in any situation. I’m thankful for the Bible and the Book of Mormon stories.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Being Faithful to God

As I’ve begun reading the Doctrine and Covenants for a class I’m in, I can’t help but think what it was like for Joseph Smith to receive revelation from God. For a little background, I am a Latter-Day Saint, or Mormon. We claim that God the Father and Jesus Christ called Joseph Smith as a prophet. It was a shock to young 14-year old Joseph when God and Jesus Christ appeared to him, when he was simply praying to find forgiveness of his sins. After many years and much personal growth, Joseph Smith discovered that God church was not on the earth and that he was to be a modern day prophet. He translated the Book of Mormon, established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and fulfilled God’s purposes. Joseph Smith received constant revelation from God. It appears in many ways such as the Book of Mormon and temple worship services. The Doctrine and Covenants is more revelation given by God, to us, through the Prophet Joseph Smith and other latter-day prophets.

At the beginning of his translation of the Book of Mormon, Martin Harris, the scribe, asked Joseph if he could take 116 pages of translation to his wife, in order to convince her of Joseph’s legitimacy. As we have learned in class, Martin Harris was somewhat rich and had promised Joseph money for the publication of the Book of Mormon. Martin was pressuring Joseph, and I’m sure Joseph was afraid of losing the promised money. Joseph, after having been told by the Lord not to give the 116 pages to Martin, lent Martin Harris the manuscript. In section 3 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord chastised Joseph for not listening to Him.

How many times do we make this same mistake? How many times have I been peer pressured into doing something that I know isn’t the best thing to do? The Lord said, “behold, you should not have feared man more than God…you should have been faithful…” Thankfully, the Lord gave Joseph and us the gift of repentance through his son Jesus Christ. We are able to learn, move on, and not make such a mistake again.

I am reminded of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who didn’t make such a mistake but were faithful to God and said, “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O King, But if not be it know unto thee, O King, that we will not serve they gods, nor worship the golden image which thou has set up” (Daniel 3:17-18). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were faithful to the Lord and promised to follow him, even if there was no miracle to save them from the fiery furnace. What faith and what allegiance they showed.

We have the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, to teach us what to do when our values are being jeopardized. We have Joseph Smith to teach us that if we do make a mistake, we can come back. I’m thankful for prophets who teach. I’m thankful for prophets who struggled through mortality just like every other human on earth and therefore, more able to teach us the truths of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Alive

I know nobody even follows this blog but I am going to try and become a blogger. I needed to do a blog for a class and this was it. I've decided to try and pick up the habit again. I've changed the name because I was married about a month and a half ago. Married life is wonderful. I married the most wonderful woman. Her name is Carly. I love her! I'm so lucky that she wanted to marry me. This blog will follow our lives together. Hopefully it will be interesting. I'm not sure. We came to the conculsion today that we were interesting enough to be the stars of a reality show so hopefully we'll be interesting enough to catch the attention of blog readers. Maybe not. Anyway. Peace out. Hope you like it.